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Naraku's Lair


In tribute to Naraku....
Hello! If you've happened to stumble onto my site...congradulations! This is my shrine to naraku, the evil, sexy demon of Inuyasha! If you love Naraku, thats really great. If you hate him, i have no idea what you are doing on this site and suggest you leave. So look around at my site.
updates: ooh! This isnt really a update but I just saw the episode of Inuyasha with Naraku naked. Damn those shadows...


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"I may be crazy, but not for loving Naraku."

Blah blah blah, I will go to hell i know, for loving such a sexy, evil man. "Joanne, how could you? You seem so proper!"  To send me hate mail please email me at Have a good time flameing me! Thanks for providing me with amusement, and have a nice day!