1. His hair. Its long and tangled and just makes you want to finger comb it! well, it makes me feel that way...
2. He has such a sexy voice...Its deep, and cold, and calm!
3. He's the smartest character in the show.
4. His speach is so...so...I dont know! but he uses alot of big words. I find that sexy.
5. He say's nay instead of no. How cool is that?
6. He's good at understanding peoples emotions. He doesnt exactly use this power for good but thats what makes him so
7. He is evil.
8. He is the only character in Inuyasha who regularly changes his clotheing. and he has pretty good style too.
9. He was naked in one episode.
10. Why bother making friends when Naraku can make them for you? He makes lots of friends...litterally. Think about it...kaugra,
Kanna, Jageromarou, and more! It would be so cool!
11. He resurected the shicintai. I simply love Jakotsu!!! *hugs Jakotsu*
12. For all you Sesshoumaru fans...He once caused Sesshoumaru to take off his shirt. He almost killed Sessy in doing
so but...
13. He is not too bulked up. His body has that lean, sinewy look to it, not over muscled.
14. If you want to have children, but dont want to go through the pain of child birth, get Naraku to make them! theyed
be demon children, of course, but demon children can be cute! Look at Kanna and Hakudoushi for example. Adorable!
15. He can protect you, being so powerful and all.
16. He can change his apearance.
17. He killed Kikyo!!! Then when she was resurected, he tried to kill her again! sorry Kikyo fans but i reallly dont
like Kikyo...
18. His name. It means hell. Thats so awsome!
19. his castle thing can move locations really fast. So much for hiring moving vans...
20. His eyes are a redish brown color...so unusual...
21. He wears blue eyeliner stuff. Actually I dont know if those things are natural markings or what...It might be make-up
but i really cant see Naraku applying make-up, in front of a mirror, every morning. well, whatever it is it looks great, i
love guys with make-up!
22. He's so damn sexy.
23. I want demon pets! Give me demon pets, Naraku!
24. The spider mark on his back is really cool.
25. oooh! posionous insects! I've always wanted one of those!
26. I bet you can ride him. I mean he jumps really high and he's strong so you can probbly sit on his back, while he
is leaping! It would be really fun!
27. He has a cool castle. If you were his girl, you could live in the castle!
28. You could sleep in his lap, while he is sitting there thinking.
29. He seems to be easily amused. What i mean is he sits in his castle all day in deep thought. I mean, what is he thinking
of? Doesnt he get bored?
30. He can manipulate people using their emotions.
31. He is misunderstood....awww. What i mean is many people hate him! How could they?
32. Whenever it shows him, cool music plays. Its like he has his own theme music! its creepy haunting music too. so cool!
33. The show would be very different without him. Think, If he hadnt been created, Inuyasha would have used the Shinkon
no tama to turn into a human and marry Kikyo. Scary! And really, really boring, too.
34. He makes a great main villain. I mean, just imagine, mistress centipede being the main villain of Inuyasha. Even
the thunder brothers, who make great side villains, would be very crappy main ones.
35. He makes sexy expressions. Cocky amusement, cold anger, silent and brooding, and more! so cute...
36. When he talks to people he usually has this amused, superior tone.
37. He's the tallest character in the show.
38. His purple Yakata is so cute! Actually, all his outfits are cool but that one is my favorite.
39. He can look innocent if he wants to. Remember the episode where he triked Sango? He looked so nice and....erm...smiley!!!
40. His smile Is so sexy. Its so cold and amused...and...and evil! My friend, Ivy says she likes Naraku only because
she thinks his smile is so sexy. Thats so sad!!! T_T But that at least proves that Naraku's smile is really hot! lol.
41. And finally....He's Naraku! Do you have to ask?