Naraku's Lair


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About Naraku

WARNING: This information may contain spoilers.
Name: Naraku
Eye color: redish brown
Hair: black
Age: understand read general info.
species: demon
Talents: shapeshifting, creating incarnations of himself, leaping really high, can conjure black tornado things, Illusion, and more.
General: Naraku is the main villain of Inuyasha. He was born from the body of the criminal, Onigumo. Onigumo was a evil man who was badly injured. He was so badly injured, that he could not walk, talk, or move. The preistess Kikyo took Onigumo in and took care of him. Eventually, Onigumo regained the ability to talk. He and Kikyo would chat with each other. After a while Onigumo began to lust after Kikyo. He knew that she was the gaurdian of the Shikon jewl. He also knew that the Jewl grew more beautiful when it was tainted with hate and malice. When Onigumo found that Inuyasha and Kikyo loved each other, he offered his body to a thousand demons, so they could eat him. In return, they would make him a new body, thus, creating Naraku. This makes Naraku zero at this point, but he still looked and acted like a adult. Naraku had three goals. Get revenge on Kikyo and Inuyasha, and to take the shikon no tama, and taint it with evil. Naraku devised a plan. He would make Kikyo and Inuyasha hate each other, for what better way to taint the Jewl with evil, if two people who once loved each other, hate each other? The previous day, Naraku had heard Kikyo telling Inuyasha that they would both purify the shikon jewl of evil, if Inuyasha agreed to use it to turn into a human. That way, Kikyo and Inuyasha could be with each other. Inuyasha had agreed and they had decided to meet in the feild. Kikyo would bring the Jewl. The next day, Naraku changed froms into Inuyasha and atacked Kikyo. She managed to find Inuyasha and used her sacred arrows to bind Inuyasha to a tree. She was bleeding, and was about to die. If she were to use the Jewl to save herself, the Jewl would be tainted with hate. Instead, Keade(Is that how you spell it?) appeared. Kikyo did not want the jewl to fall into the wrong hands and told Keade to burn the Jewl with her body. She vowed to bring it with her to the next life.
Naraku caused problems for many other characters as well. He is the reason Miroku has the wind tunnel. He killed Sango's family, and possesed kohaku. He made kaugra, who killed all of kouga's wolf tribe. He almost killed Sesshoumaru. And the list goes on and on. But I still love him of course.... 


Blah blah blah, I will go to hell i know, for loving such a sexy, evil man. "Joanne, how could you? You seem so proper!"  To send me hate mail please email me at Have a good time flameing me! Thanks for providing me with amusement, and have a nice day!